Property:Has founder

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Albert L. Luce  +, Sr.  +
Dorothy Bullitt  +
Anukool Lakhina  +, Waleed Haddad  +
Sir Edmund Happold  +
Jorma Tuuna-Väiskä  +
Bill Clinton  +
Catherine Nikolovski  +
Andrew Carnegie  +, Andrew Mellon  +
Audi  +, BMW  +, Daimler  +,
Taiwanese government  +
Leonard Bosack  +, Sandy Lerner  +
Hugh Harker  +
Leonard Lin  +, Tim O'Reilly  +
Amos Meiri  +
Tanya Barham  +
Wilfred Pinfold  +
Jack McDougle  +
Clark Smith  +