Category:Cybersecurity and Privacy

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Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Committee (CPAC)
GCTC logo 344x80.png

Team Members Department of Homeland Security, Adaptable Security Corp, Evo Monitors, EP3 Foundation, Global Cyber Alliance, ISC2 Silicon Valley Chapter, San Mateo County, SF Bay ISSA, Sightlinesec, Smart Connections Consulting, The Sorter Group, SRI International
Blueprint Cybersecurity and Privacy Blueprint

Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Committee (CPAC)

The Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Committee (CPAC) is a public-private partnership dedicated to built-in cybersecurity and privacy best practices and considerations in Smart Secure Cities and Communities.

Smart Secure Cities and Communities unleash tremendous potential built on the power of data and technology. With great power comes great responsibility. Well designed and executed, municipalities and citizens will harvest marvelous benefits such as less traffic congestion, faster emergency services, and safer environments. Inadequately designed and executed, however, municipalities and citizens may subject themselves to undesirable consequences such as loss of privacy, data breaches, financial loss and disruption to their work and even lives.

Formed in March 2018, CPAC consists of cybersecurity and privacy professionals and practitioners from governments, nonprofits and private businesses. CPAC achieves its goal by 1) helping SuperClusters build cybersecurity and privacy best practices and considerations in their blueprints; 2) providing one-size-does-not-fit-all methodologies to enable SuperClusters and municipalities to comply with laws and standards pertinent to them. To ensure timely, tailored and consistent support, CPAC embeds champions in SuperClusters' leadership teams and invite SuperClusters' leaders into CPAC leadership to guide its direction and priorities. Membership is open to all communities, private sector enterprises, non-governmental organizations, and government agencies (at all levels).


  • Scott Tousley, Deputy Director of S&T,
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Lan Jenson, CEO,
    Adaptable Security Corp.

Leadership Team

Department of Homeland Security, Adaptable Security Corp, Evo Monitors, EP3 Foundation, Global Cyber Alliance, ISC2 Silicon Valley Chapter, San Mateo County, SF Bay ISSA, Sightlinesec, Smart Connections Consulting, The Sorter Group, SRI International