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|company=City of San Leandro
|company=San Leandro CA
|position=IT Manager/Director
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|location=San Leandro CA
|location=San Leandro CA

Latest revision as of 23:48, March 20, 2022

Anton Batalla
Name Anton Batalla
Company San Leandro CA
Company Position IT Manager/Director
City, State San Leandro CA
Country United States
Sectors Wireless
Consulting: {{{skill}}}


SanMateoWiFi.jpg Bay Area Unified Wi-Fi Roaming Security and Ease of Use
As more and more cities deploy public Wi-Fi service, security and ease of use are becoming critical. In addition, the service becomes fragmented and constrained by geopolitical boundaries. This action cluster will deploy and evaluate the impact of new Wi-Fi authentication and access management solutions that deliver not only the highest possible end-user security, but will allow participating municipalities to create a unified regional system that users can automatically connect to when in range, regardless of what city/county they are in.
Sanleandro PR image 5-1.png CITYDASH City-wide analytics dashboard from public and private data sources
Data analytics and insights powered by machine intelligence for 4 target city departments:
  • 311 crowd-sourced civic issues
  • Recreation and Parks programs
  • Crime reports and police data
  • Building and Engineering permits
City of San Leandro.jpg City of San Leandro, CA: “SL Wi-Fiber”
Since the creation of Lit San Leandro – a public-private partnership that yielded an 18mile, fiber optic loop – installing a free, Public Wi-Fi system in the city’s downtown core had been one of the City Council’s long-standing goals.
CasaPeraltaLights.png CryptoMove San Leandro Smart Lights Project
Create reference architecture for Smart Lights and Sensors via deployment of CryptoMove Moving Target Data Protection to render data onto a constantly shifting and mutating defensive fabric, thereby greatly decreasing the likelihood of exfiltration of sensitive data, and likewise for ransomware probability.

NYKiosk.jpg Case Studies
This chapter section will feature several real-world case studies provided by the Public Wi-Fi SuperCluster Leadership team. Cities have achieved economic development, digital inclusion, emergency communications, rural connectivity, tourist attractions, and much more.
ChapterInnovationCities.jpg Case Study Summary Findings & Discussion
During the development of this Blueprint, the authorship team conducted a series of case study

interviews of local government agencies in the United States and Canada known to have deployed IoT networks. The team spoke with the cities of San Diego; San Leandro, CA; Calgary, AB Canada; and the County of San Mateo, CA. Below is a summary of the key findings from these case studies.

ChapterDeployment.jpg Considerations for Deploying Municipal IoT
Perhaps the most fundamental decision government agencies will make regarding IoT networks

is how the IoT network will be built and what the business model and ownership structure will be. The current consensus is that there will likely be two primary paths for IoT network deployments, with a third, less ubiquitous option serving as a “catch-all” classification for anything that does not squarely fit within the first two.

FundingChapter.jpg Funding Models
Three primary business models clearly emerge for today’s Public Wi-Fi projects.
PublicWiFiChapter.jpg History of Public WiFi
The dreams and aspirations of a municipal Wi-Fi system aren’t new: provide free, high-speed internet to your community, close the digital divide, shrink the homework gap, and give consumers a free, public option for internet service. It’s not hard to see why the concept has remained so popular over the years.
DCMetroDisplay.jpg Impacts to Municipal Governments of IoT Networks
The Municipal IoT will probably have numerous impacts to state and local government agencies and their operations. In a sense, this is the heart of this Blueprint paper, and the essential reason for its existence. IoT networks have the potential to improve greatly the way we deliver services, reduce operating costs, improve the economy and commerce, promote better environmental stewardship, and provide opportunities for digital equity and access – leading to developments in tourism, breakthroughs in transportation and transit, and so much more. While this list of potential use cases is by no means exhaustive, it provides an introduction for government leaders as to what they should start looking for when it comes to the potential impacts of IoT networks.
IoTChapter.jpg Internet of Things
The scope of this Blueprint will be on the IoT networks themselves – the physical and logical layers, not necessarily the software applications and data generated therefrom.
WiFiUseCase.jpg Introduction to Public WI-FI Use Cases
Public Wi-Fi has a large number of use cases. This section seeks to provide guidance and information related to the most prominent types and will provide a general overview of the most frequently cited use cases for implementing Public Wi-Fi.
LegalChapter.jpg Legal Issues
Municipalities should be prepared to investigate legal issues that could impact their Public Wi-Fi project.

This document is not intended as a substitute for legal advice. Issues from our perspective will be classified below in terms of 1) the Regulatory Landscape and 2) Organizational Responsibilities.

OutreachChapter.jpg Marketing & Outreach
Municipalities tend to have standard channels of communicating news and project information to their constituents. Most often this includes public announcements, meetings, and eventually a press release.
Cable-repairman.jpg Practical Guide: Deploying an IoT Network
Today’s IoT market is already crowded; there is a confusing multitude of IoT connectivity options.

However, there are some important ways to distinguish them.

IoTCybersecurityPrivacy.jpg Practical Guide: IoT Cybersecurity & Privacy
With the advent of IoT devices and their rapid and wide adoption in Smart Cities, municipalities face an urgent necessity to ensure the IoT-related ecosystems are trustworthy by design. New regulations will no doubt be enacted by the federal and local regulatory bodies in due time, but municipalities face an urgent need for practical guidance for built-in security and privacy protection.
ProcurementChapter.jpg Procurement
The following sections provide a blueprint for the procurement process for Public Wi-Fi networks.
ProjectManagementChapter.jpg Project Management
While Public Wi-Fi deployments differ in purpose, reason, and size from agency to agency, the need for solid project management is consistent across the board. The collective ideas in this section provide a modular project management approach by breaking groups of task areas into milestone clusters.
WirelessTechChapter.jpg Technology Strategy
A variety of technology decisions need to be made to effectively deliver good Public-Wi-Fi service, while supporting the current and future applications that cities and towns are seeking to deliver.
MunicipalIoTDeployments.jpg The Current State of Municipal IoT Deployments
The authors of this Blueprint conducted an online survey of municipal government officials in January 2019 with the goal of finding out information regarding the current state of the municipal IoT deployments. (The survey was conducted online and received 37 responses from verified government officials with a breakdown as follows: 73% City/Town; 13.5% Special District; 10.8% County; 2.7% State)
WirelessChapter.jpg Wireless Blueprint
The purpose of this blueprint is to provide readers with a practical “how-to” guide for deploying a Public Wi-Fi system within their jurisdiction or agency.