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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Full incorporation of digital technology into all aspects of city life – creation of Smart Cities – is fast becoming a best practice for urban reality. However, a large percentage of low-income residents in Oakland (and everywhere) remain digitally disconnected. Therefore, Digital Inclusion must be central to Smart City Initiatives because Smart Cities require residents to be digitally connected and empowered.  +
This set of 9 regional projects is a partnership of public, private and academic organizations working at the regional level to facilitate coordination and cooperation across regions that share mutual interests, infrastructure systems, economic and social goals, and ecological and environmental concerns.<br/>  +
A smart region is more than just big data, technological connectivity and efficiency. It's about creating an interpersonal relationship between a region and its people.  +
Joint Venture’s Smart Region Initiative is a coalition between local governments, businesses, and residents working together to improve quality of life in Silicon Valley through the targeted and holistic application of smart city technologies. The coalition builds on existing relationships with technology companies, academia, and local government leaders to drive a coordinated public-private sector effort, and mounts a highly strategic campaign to lead and transform Silicon Valley’s smart cities implementations at a regional scale.  +
The goal of this action cluster is to provide innovative solutions for managing drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and source water resources efficiently and effectively.  +
The Smart Rural Community (SRC) network is made up of a group of carefully vetted, rural broadband providers who are committed to driving growth and creating opportunities for their communities. SRC providers enable fast, reliable and sustainable connectivity needed to thrive in an online world, especially as the demand for distance learning, telemedicine and remote work grows. And for those who live in these communities, it means equal opportunity for education, resources, entrepreneurship and more.  +
This unique event brings together voices from across the rural ecosystem — communications, hospitals, libraries, schools, agriculture and more — to showcase the amazing things that can happen when community leaders work together to leverage broadband-enabled applications in creative ways.  +
Pilot a smart street light corridor within a system of transit “super-nodes” developed by transforming current major transit stations into transit hubs (Hubs) defined by: # connected, city-wide mobile resources; public wifi # last mile, multi-modal transport between and to/from Hubs (car share, bike share, ride share, preferably electric vehicles with EV-charging at Hub) # GPS / GIS / location services # Bus rapid transit, preferably electric, running non-stop Hub to Hub  +
A smart waste system is a type of waste management system that uses digital technology to improve the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of waste management.  +
Objectives * Deployment of solar waste compacting bins, ultrasonic fill-level sensors and trackers/beacons * Utilization of data resource management platform to monitor & analyze various data points  +
Smart Waste is a system that enables direct cost reduction with easy to deploy smart sensor supporting up to 10 years of operational autonomy for remote waste container fill level measuring, geolocation, temperature, tilt, and collection routes optimization# Major flood event every year cause large amounts of residential and commercial damage  +
Objectives * Deployment of solar waste compacting bins, ultrasonic fill-level sensors and trackers/beacons * Utilization of data resource management platform to monitor & analyze various data points * Increase operational efficiency, reduction in collection frequency, strategic asset allocation, labor costs, and greenhouse gases  +
A smart water system is a type of water management system that uses digital technology to improve the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of water management.  +
The goal of this action cluster is to provide innovative solutions for managing drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and source water resources efficiently and effectively. The smart decisions that balance energy usage with desired water quality and quantity will be supported through the development of cloud-based analytics that is driven with the “Big Data” from distributed array of environmental sensors. These “Internet of Things (IOT)” environmental sensors will be used to both monitor and control the environment. The new data will be supplemented with the data from the existing infrastructure such as SCADA historian databases and meter data. Additional data needs will be examined carefully to reduce their impact on operations. For example, water meter data is usually collected on a daily basis to prolong the battery life whereas the same data may be needed at five-minute intervals to generate an accurate demand picture. Innovative approaches that provide additional data through low-cost sensing and citizen participation will be explored.  +
Concorde provides Wide Area Protection for a Cluster of buildings from a mobile surveillance vehicle (called I-Man Facility Sprinter or “IFS”) manned by a 2-3 man specialist team. *Deploy security infrastructure comprising cameras, sensors and wireless connectivity in a mesh network architecture connected to the IFS vehicle *Cameras and sensors provide the real time surveillance and trigger alerts to IFS which will be able to immediately respond to the situation *Multiple IFS from neighboring clusters will provide the redundancy and support to any surge in demand in any particular cluster *Several IFS can cover a large urban center to provide the immediate real-time security coverage and immediate response to any public safety and security incident(s)  +
Smart Work Learn Play, initiated by the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA), with support from Next Century Cities, the Transit Empowerment Fund and the City of Austin’s Digital Inclusion and Transportation departments, aims to ensure that the design, deployment and use of smart cities technologies are inclusive and equitable. The program hires HACA-resident Smart City Ambassadors to work local government and corporate partners to: 1) teach HACA residents how to use digitally-enabled education, workforce and transportation tools; 2) advocate for and manage meaningful partnerships with private smart city technology providers; 3) engage in democratic processes, online and face-to-face with local and other government officials; 4) participate in design of smart city systems and tools with a wide array of actors. This project has successfully conducted a small pilot phase with non-profit and corp partners. In this stage, we will build on that pilot to encompass a broad array of smart city issues, technologies, tools and diverse low income populations.  +
This GCTC Team aims to systematically investigate a novel cyber-physical infrastructure framework that can effectively and efficiently transform existing transportation hubs into smart facilities. The Smart Hub is capable of providing better location-awareness services (e.g. finding terminals, improving travel experience, obtaining security alters) to the traveling public, especially for the underserved populations including those with visual impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or simply navigation challenges.  +
Road side parking management is a labor intensive work with lots of human errors. Meters were outdated and seldom used in road side parking management. A new device of iot tested and applied in Tainan is now proved to be a successful solution for efficient road side parking management. .  +
Objectives # The project seeks to create an instrumented, interconnected and intelligent work, social and living environment that engender positive real-time interaction of people, places, things and processes with the Covenant University community. # The goal is to create a smart community through an integration of relevant emergent technologies such as Internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, ICT networks, wireless sensor networks, artificial intelligence, and Big Data analytics. # The emphasis is on the creation of a model Smart City, using Covenant University as the case study.  +
Through three days of virtual and in-person discussion, you will gain valuable insights to create clearer strategies, to build a smart, resilient city that tackles climate change and considers the impact on liveability, equity and long-term sustainability.  +