Smart Rural Community

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Smart Rural Community
Smart Rural Community
Team Organizations NTCA
Point of Contact Josh Seidemann
Participating Municipalities Washington DC
Sectors Rural
Status Implemented
Last Updated December 22, 2024


The Smart Rural Community (SRC) network is made up of a group of carefully vetted, rural broadband providers who are committed to driving growth and creating opportunities for their communities. SRC providers enable fast, reliable and sustainable connectivity needed to thrive in an online world, especially as the demand for distance learning, telemedicine and remote work grows. And for those who live in these communities, it means equal opportunity for education, resources, entrepreneurship and more.
What does it mean to live, work and be part of a Smart Rural Community℠ (SRC)? It starts with collaboration between rural broadband providers and forward-thinking community members. The program is a conduit for amplifying the message of the power of broadband to keep small-town America connected. SRC promotes rural broadband networks and broadband-enabled applications that rural communities can leverage to foster innovative economic development, education, health care and other vital services.

In recognition of the many diverse types of communities served by SRC providers, the SRC network now includes Smart Tribal Community℠ and Smart Connected Community℠. Smart Tribal Community℠ members are SRC providers who serve Tribal lands, and Smart Connected Community℠ members are SRC providers who serve regions with metropolitan characteristics. No matter where they provide service, SRC providers are committed to providing the highest-quality service.

SRC Agriculture Technology FinalSRC Whitepaper - Broadband Adoption and Digital InclusionDiscussion-Guide for Rural Workforce Development Web