SmartCU - Covenant University Smart City

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SmartCU - Covenant University Smart City
GCTC logo 344x80.png
Covenant University.jpg
Covenant University
Team Organizations Covenant University
Santa Clara University
Dew Mobility
Team Leaders Aderemi Atayero
Tokunbo Ogunfunmi
Shivakumar Mathapathi
Participating Municipalities Ota Nigeria
Status Launched
Initiative None
Document None



  1. The project seeks to create an instrumented, interconnected and intelligent work, social and living environment that engender positive real-time interaction of people, places, things and processes with the Covenant University community.
  2. The goal is to create a smart community through an integration of relevant emergent technologies such as Internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, ICT networks, wireless sensor networks, artificial intelligence, and Big Data analytics.
  3. The emphasis is on the creation of a model Smart City, using Covenant University as the case study.


  1. With a resident community population of over ten thousand people comprising students (over 7,000), workers, it has been difficult to monitor the health condition of persons with critical health issues in a timely manner, and response to emergence health issues (need for smart health).
  2. Covenant University like most HEI campuses with full residential capacity in Nigeria are often located in societies with a different social demography compared to that within the campus (need for perimeter surveillance).
  3. So many visitors coming to the University on a daily basis require human guidance in terms locating places of interest and destinations on campus. Locating the right person to ask could be a challenge (need for smart tourism).
  4. Ordering and management of huge traffic at specific time of the day is an herculean task (need for smart transportation).
  5. Ensuring security on campus and keeping students in check to preempt negative activities like cultism and crime has been demanding (need for smart security).
  6. So far ensuring optimal consumption of energy by resident, who are largely students has been difficult, since the community has a large youthful population (need for smart energy).
  7. By having, a large population of staff and students resident on campus, many needs and request that pertain to the living condition of people and amenities arise from time to time. There is need to ensure that complaints and concerns are managed efficiently and in a timely manner (need for smart governance).
  8. Every Covenant University student is currently supplied with a tablet as part of the tools for instruction. There is a need to ensure that the use of this investment is maximized by creating and deploying necessary E-learning/M-learning platforms (need for smart pedagogy).



Major Requirements

  • Deployment of ICT networks infrastructure across the campus both wired and wireless with internet services. (The university currently has above 70% wireless coverage);
  • Instrumentation of the campus environment via deployment of relevant sensors in places and spaces;
  • Tagging of physical objects using RFID, Near Field Communication (NFC) tags and QR codes for IoT-readiness;
  • Requirements analysis and requirements remodeling of relevant smart services that are necessary for the CU Smart City e.g. Smart waste disposal system;
  • Development and deployment of relevant cloud-based smart software services and data analytics algorithms. Specifically, the following cloud-based applications will be developed:
  1. CU Smart Tourguide – a bi-lingual mobile application that will facilitate smart tourism within the Covenant University community
  2. CU Smart HealthMonitor – a mobile application that will facilitate real-time health monitoring and tracking of persons with critical health challenge within the Covenant University community
  3. CU Smart Energy – for energy monitoring and control within Covenant University
  4. CU Complaint Manager - mobile application that will track likely and registered complaints and initiate appropriate intelligent actions
  5. CU Traffic Manager – a mobile application that will give intelligent recommendations on vehicular and human traffic situation on campus
  6. CU Smart Security – a mobile application that will track illegal activities, or potentially violent activities within the covenant University community. It will also recommend or initiate adequate mitigation strategy. For example, detect the presence of illegal arms in a particular location and send a message to the security officials.
  • Usability and performance evaluation of the deployed smart solutions

Performance Targets

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Measurement Methods
  • Smart Tourism: 60% improvement in the quality information services for visitors after 3 month of deployment
  • Smart Health: 40% reduction in cases of late discovery of critical health condition after 3 month of deployment
  • Smart Security: 50% reduction in cases of theft on campus after 6 month of deployment.
  • Smart Traffic: 30% improvement in traffic management control after 3 months
  • Smart Energy: 40% reduction in energy wastage after 3 months of deployment
  • Smart governance: 50% improvement in response time to management of complaints by management of Covenant University community after 3 months of deployment
  • Usability surveys by residents and users of the smart services post-implementation and deployment.
  • Performance evaluation of deployed smart services using standard metrics such as precision and recall.
  • Survey on technology adoption and usage
  • Comparative analysis of data before and after deployment of SmartCU technologies, services, and processes.
  • Longitudinal studies of residents’ state of well being

Standards, Replicability, Scalability, and Sustainability

The project will engage open and interoperable standards for the implementation and deployment of the smart solutions. This will include use of:

  • Standard Internet protocol for internet services (TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS etc.)
  • The Wireless sensor network will use both the MAC protocol and the IEEE 802.15.4 Family protocol
  • Use of SaaS such as Application programming interfaces that allows integration of development services with other types of software

The use of cloud technology will aid the reliability, scalability, availability of smart services that will enable realization of the Covenant University Smart City (SmartCU) project. The services will be hosted on well-known cloud platforms such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

The frameworks and unique modules/models to be developed in the course of the project will be easily replicable in environments with similarities to Covenant University realities. Over 100 potential environments with such similarities currently exist across Nigeria (Federal, State, Private Universities, etc).

Cybersecurity and Privacy



The project will offer the following benefits:

  • It will enhance quality of life of residents of the Covenant University community in terms of health and living condition
  • It will increase the productivity of staff and student
  • It will boost the internally generated venue base of the University as more tourists and visitors will be drawn to the interesting sites on campus
  • It will curb waste in the area of energy consumption and help to keep the campus free of illegal activities
  • Innovative solutions processes that will be developed in the course of the project will lead to Intellectual Property revenues for researchers.


  • Phase I Pilot/Demonstration:

The phase I activity will entail the steps 1-4 under Project Approach Section and development of two smart software solutions. Specifically these are:

  1. Deployment of ICT networks infrastructure across the campus;
  2. Instrumentation of the campus environment with wireless sensor networks;
  3. Tagging of physical objects using RFID, Near Field Communication (NFC) tags and QR codes for IoT-readiness;
  4. Requirements analysis and requirements remodeling of relevant smart services that are necessary for the SmartCU; and
  5. Development of two smart software services, which are CU Smart HealthMonitor and CU Smart Tourguide.

  • Phase II Deployment:
  1. Development and deployment of five (5) smart software services, which are CU Smart Energy, CU Complaint Manager, CU Traffic Manager, CU Smart Security, and CU Smart Health.
  2. Development and deployment of CU Smart Perimeter Surveillance system
  3. Development and deployment of CU Smart waste collection system
  4. Performance evaluation of deployed smart services