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Revision as of 23:37, November 18, 2022

15 Jan 2022 The Evolution of the Built Environment
PGEWeb.jpg "At PGE, sustainability means business practices that support a vibrant economy, a healthy environment and strong communities today and into the future. It’s not a nice-to-have — it’s a must. As we make progress toward our environmental, social and governance goals, we’ll focus on how to become sustainable in everything we touch, including what we do for our customers."
Maria M. Pope, President and CEO

[[The Evolution of the Built Environment|Edit]]

19 Jan 2022 FIWARE Global Summit
FIWARE-Summit.jpeg Two day in person summit featuring a curated framework of Open Source Platform components to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions

[[FIWARE Global Summit|Edit]]

27 Jan 2022 Voices of First Responders
PSCRNIST.jpg NIST PSCR conducted a series of in-depth interviews with approximately 200 first responders about their views on communication technology. These interviews informed a nationwide, large-scale survey completed by over 7,000 first responders. PSCR's Usability Team recently developed a Survey Analyzer tool to create interactive graphs and tables to display these survey results and export visualizations.

[[Voices of First Responders|Edit]]

01 Feb 2022 2022 Digital Future Summit
2022 Digital Future Summit.jpg Canada’s socioeconomic prospects are at a crossroads in this globally competitive landscape. We need to have critical conversations about the choices we face, the trade-offs we make, and the policies we embrace to position Canada on the global stage.
ICTC Horizon is the largest virtual summit of its kind, drawing over 3,000 participants, including industry leaders, policy makers, innovative thinkers, and community participants.

[[2022 Digital Future Summit|Edit]]

15 Feb 2022 Net Inclusion 2022
NetInclusion.jpg Join hundreds of digital inclusion community practitioners, advocates, academics, Internet service providers, and policymakers to discuss:*local, state, and federal policies and policy innovations impacting digital equity,*sources of financial and programmatic support of digital inclusion programs,*and digital inclusion best practices from across the country.

[[Net Inclusion 2022|Edit]]

15 Feb 2022 Dubai Intl Smart Cities Exposition
Dubai-main-banner-image.jpeg Smart Cities Expo World Forum combines the power of collocated conferences with state-of-the-art expo floors in order to educate people towards smart cities and urban planning technologies, strive for innovation, promote business and connect thousands of attendees from around the globe.

[[Dubai Intl Smart Cities Exposition|Edit]]

22 Feb 2022 Ecocity World Summit
Events-ecocity2022.jpg The Ecocity World Summit Series is structured to promote the rethinking and rebuilding of our human civilization to exist in balance with living systems. The conference is stewarded by California, USA based nonprofit, Ecocity Builders.

[[Ecocity World Summit|Edit]]

23 Feb 2022 Inventing the Platform and Path to Sustainability Success
Regenerative Urbanism 600.png Regenerative urbanism creates a balance where buildings, their occupants and the surrounding systems, both natural and man-made, work together to create resources rather than deplete them. Research shows that the integration of regenerative elements can yield greater returns over time. This approach uses dynamic governance systems to monitor and share the costs and benefits of urban life. It allows for multiple objectives to be achieved, from managing water and reusing waste biproducts to optimizing renewable resources across compact communities in new ways.

[[Inventing the Platform and Path to Sustainability Success|Edit]]

24 Feb 2022 Connected Cities Tour
CoralGables600.png Leaders from Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County and Miami will join with the Tech Community to explore how technologies like: 5G, AI and IoT are enabling "Smart City" Innovations that impact quality of life, operational efficiency, sustainability and public safety.

[[Connected Cities Tour|Edit]]

28 Feb 2022 Net Inclusion 2023
Net-Inclusion-2023.jpg Join hundreds of digital inclusion community practitioners, advocates, academics, Internet service providers, and policymakers to discuss:*local, state, and federal policies and policy innovations impacting digital equity,*sources of financial and programmatic support of digital inclusion programs,*and digital inclusion best practices from across the country.

[[Net Inclusion 2023|Edit]]

01 Mar 2022 The 5th Annual Symposium on the Digital Person
A820FCA1-CF7A-4190-B8B5-71F659FBF93D.jpeg The use of personal data is of enormous global concern. The Symposium on the Digital Person is an annual event organized by the HAT Community Foundation (HCF) and Dataswyft that discusses personal data from three perspectives: Digital personhood, law, freedom and democracy (humanities) Value, economics and markets (social science) Data analytics, data science and technology (science and technology).

[[The 5th Annual Symposium on the Digital Person|Edit]]

03 Mar 2022 Mobility Matters
MobilityMatters.jpg We invited disability specialists, urban planners, engineers, transportation professionals, students, and community members to discuss the nexus between design, innovation, technology, and access. This year’s themes focused on Youth Leadership: Growing Interdisciplinary Solutions Through Partnerships and Smart Design = Accessible Design. We explored opportunities for regional coordination across adjacent metropolitan areas, with an emphasis on the Cascadia region.

[[Mobility Matters|Edit]]

08 Mar 2022 Leading Smart Cities with Trust
Landing-page-hero-image smart-cities.png In this fast-paced, first-of-its-kind Professional Certificate short course, you will learn from leaders in government, academia and the private sector to gain a solid foundation of knowledge for all Smart City initiatives while building your professional network.

[[Leading Smart Cities with Trust|Edit]]

09 Mar 2022 Grid Power Overview
ACSDA.jpg Overview of grid power

[[Grid Power Overview|Edit]]

11 Mar 2022 Oregon State Data Strategy and Data Literacy Initiative
OregonDataStrategy.jpeg The Oregon Data Strategy provides enterprise leadership and a long-term approach for how the State will govern data as a critical asset and critical infrastructure, along with direct actions over the coming biennium (2021-2023) to set Oregon on the path for success.

[[Oregon State Data Strategy and Data Literacy Initiative|Edit]]

11 Mar 2022 Making Government Contracting Better
OpenContracting.jpeg A modern economy needs a smart, data-driven government contracting ecosystem. Our mission is to bring governments, businesses, citizens and open data together to build one.

[[Making Government Contracting Better|Edit]]

16 Mar 2022 Lessons from a Super-Aging Society
Lessons from a Super-Aging Society.jpg Japan is 20 to 30 years ahead of the U.S. in terms of demographic change, knowledge, and experiences in addressing an aging society. This webinar hosts one of the world-leading gerontologists, professor Hiroko Akiyama, from the University of Tokyo.

[[Lessons from a Super-Aging Society|Edit]]

17 Mar 2022 Neighborhood Data for Social Change Platform
Ndsc-800x445.jpeg The Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) platform is a free, publicly available online resource for civic actors to learn about their communities.

[[Neighborhood Data for Social Change Platform|Edit]]

21 Mar 2022 IWCE Urgent Communications
IWCE2022.jpg IWCE connects the people and technologies charged with ensuring that the most crucial communications–supporting public safety, governments, utilities, transportation, healthcare and other critical-infrastructure sectors–work at all times, even under the most difficult circumstances.

[[IWCE Urgent Communications|Edit]]

28 Mar 2022 International Battery Seminar 39th
International Battery Seminar.jpg Founded in 1983, the International Battery Seminar & Exhibit has established itself as the premier event showcasing the state of the art of worldwide energy storage technology developments for consumer, automotive, military, and industrial applications. Key thought leaders will assemble to not only provide broad perspectives, but also informed insights into significant advances in materials, product development, manufacturing, and application for all battery systems and enabling technologies.

[[International Battery Seminar 39th|Edit]]

01 Apr 2022 Smart Cities - Quo vadis?
FIWARE040122.png Meet some of the best-in-class Smart Cities and grab the first copies of FIWARE’s Smart Cities book! Smart Cities - Quo vadis? Learn from the digital transformation strategies of the invited Smart Cities - like Nice, Herne or Casablanca - presenting directly to you.

[[Smart Cities - Quo vadis?|Edit]]

04 Apr 2022 Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo
Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo.jpg Smart Cities Connect is where the smart cities community meets. We offer the most comprehensive conference, exposition and accelerator of smart city innovation in North America. We deliver premium networking and educational opportunities with a keen focus on city leaders and their priorities. Working closely with the technology community, we bring together the largest collection of intelligent systems providers for energy, infrastructure, networks, data management, urban mobility, citizen engagement and governance solutions.

[[Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo|Edit]]

06 Apr 2022 Sustainable Urban Food Systems
Sustainable Urban Food Systems.jpg The Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at New York University and Food Tank explore the opportunities and challenges New York City faces in building sustainable food systems

[[Sustainable Urban Food Systems|Edit]]

07 Apr 2022 Customer Experience Summit
CX Summit.jpg In the past year as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the nation, citizens and employees have relied on government services more than ever - and seamless customer experiences have never been more important. During the 11th CX Summit, Government Executive, Nextgov, and Route Fifty are teaming up to explore how government has combined technological innovation and organizational culture to rethink how to serve its customers. From crisis communication to digital services, we’ll offer a playbook so federal and state and local agencies can continue to make strides in their customer experiences throughout the year.

[[Customer Experience Summit|Edit]]

14 Apr 2022 Webinar Go-Green Webinar
link= Webinar GoGreen aims to help people understand the impact of small sustainable gestures on their communities through technology. It presents itself as a community rewards system where participating points providers can define actions that support their communities objectives and reward people for taking them. For the users they see a marketplace of options along with rewards based on secure blockchain based smart contracts for supportive behavior.

[[Go-Green Webinar|Edit]]

19 Apr 2022 International Resilience Conference
RESCON-NGA-New-NGA-logo.png The 2022 program will focus on FOUR key themes. They include:*Climate Change Resilience*COVID-19 and Pandemic Response*Cybersecurity & Infrastructure*Underserved & Vulnerable Populations

[[International Resilience Conference|Edit]]

25 Apr 2022 Oregon Active Transportation Summit
Oregon Active Transportation Summit.jpg Each year, hundreds of professionals and advocates from Oregon and SW Washington convene to discuss cutting edge transportation issues. The Summit is the place to share your latest research, project triumph, and innovative idea among colleagues and friends. The 2022 Summit is a hybrid event: keynotes, plenaries, presentations, and panels will be primarily virtual while networking events, mobile workshops and a range of study tours (including on foot, by bike, transit and even multimodal) will take place in person.

[[Oregon Active Transportation Summit|Edit]]

05 May 2022 Real Estate Conference 17th Annual
Real Estate Conference 17th Annual.jpg The effects of climate change for the built environment are becoming more and more noticeable. Fires, floods, droughts, extreme winds, and other climate-related events are impacting commercial real estate at an alarming rate.

[[Real Estate Conference 17th Annual|Edit]]

08 May 2022 Smart City Expo Atlanta
Smart-City-Expo-Atlanta.png Smart City Expo Atlanta is the only U.S. edition of Fira Barcelona's prestigious Smart City Expo World Congress.

[[Smart City Expo Atlanta|Edit]]

12 May 2022 Mobelizing Data to Create Data Markets
DataSwiftWebinar.png The boundary between the physical and the digital has disappeared. Our health, our finances, our shopping, our things - they are now fully digitized and exist in the form of data. This webinar will discuss how this data can be mobelized to create markets. The presentation will discuss 2 case studies on the markets forming around finance and health data.

[[Mobelizing Data to Create Data Markets|Edit]]

17 May 2022 National Shared Mobility Summit
SUMC2022.jpg The Summit offers the opportunity to take steps collectively to replace car-centric transportation with people-focused shared mobility to fight climate change, promote equity, and strengthen community. At speeches, workshops, panels, and field trips, we will try to break down silos and bridge gaps. To lay the groundwork for successful partnerships and mobilize toward multimodal transportation systems. We will explore new technologies that promise it all, and from behavior change to funding, we can begin to address the challenges that hold us back.

[[National Shared Mobility Summit|Edit]]

06 Jun 2022 IOT Intelligent Cities Summit 2022
IoTIntelligentCities600.jpeg Public sector event focused on initiating meaningful conversations about all aspects of creating and maintaining an efficient, holistic public sector. This showcase will include two summits, productive workshops, exhibitions, and an opportunity to network with peers from across USA and beyond.

[[IOT Intelligent Cities Summit 2022|Edit]]

07 Jun 2022 PNW Commerce Chain Summit
PNW Commerce Chain Summit.jpg A one-day summit bringing together thought-leaders from throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond to discuss how best to strengthen the major ports in the Pacific Northwest as a West Coast hub for agriculture/natural resources-related exports and ensure that businesses and residents in the region– especially historically under-represented and most vulnerable businesses and residents–benefit from a secure, resilient, and agile commerce chain.

[[PNW Commerce Chain Summit|Edit]]

08 Jun 2022 NTCA Smart Rural Community 2022
SmartRuralCommunity.jpg SRC Live! promises an interactive summit for rural fiber broadband providers and local government, community and industry leaders to identify best practices aimed at leveraging broadband to improve rural viability and prosperity. This breakthrough event will include case-study presentations, technology expositions, and facilitated discussions. Breakout sessions will offer opportunities for focused conversations whose outcomes will be presented for additional discussion and reflection.

[[NTCA Smart Rural Community 2022|Edit]]

13 Jun 2022 DOE Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference
CyberSecurityand Innovation.jpg The DOE Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference is an annual capstone event designed to strengthen relationships, expand upon cybersecurity and innovation strategies and tactics with our geographically dispersed partners, provide development opportunities and promote a diverse workforce by sharing best practices and lessons learned. The agenda is being crafted to advance innovation and cyber priorities in a way that dovetails with the Secretary’s goals of combating the climate crisis, creating clean energy union jobs, and promoting energy justice.

[[DOE Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference|Edit]]

14 Jun 2022 TechConnect World Innovation Conference
Techconnectworld.png TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo has connected top applied research and early-stage innovations from universities, labs, and startups with industry end-users and prospectors. The 2022 TechConnect World Innovation event includes the annual SBIR/STTR Innovation Conference, AI TechConnect, and the TechConnect Technical Program - more than 35 world-class technical symposium, and the Nanotech Conference Series – the world's largest and longest running nanotechnology event.

[[TechConnect World Innovation Conference|Edit]]

17 Jun 2022 Built For Zero
Built-for-zero.jpg Built for Zero is a national movement whose methodology and support network assists communities in their journey to end homelessness. Collaboration and testing of ideas to improve outcomes are at the heart of the Built for Zero continuous improvement approach that has proven itself in communities across the United States and Canada.

[[Built For Zero|Edit]]

20 Jun 2022 IoT Week 2022
IOTWeek 2022.jpg The Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are heavily interwoven within every-day present life and tomorrow will impact even more. Predicting the next global tendency but need in society is key to IoT development. In a new Post-COVID era, IoT is accelerating and facilitating the new trends such as home working, new mobility challenges and the digitalization of the economy.

[[IoT Week 2022|Edit]]

01 Jul 2022 How By-Name Data Helps Communities End Homelessness
HomelessnessIsSolvable.jpg The by-name list is a real-time, person-specific list of everyone experiencing homelessness. The by-name list provides communities with a full and real-time view of homelessness in their geography. Using this data, we will be able to triage individual cases, understand the broader patterns of homelessness in their community, and ensure that resources and efforts are driving down the overall number of people experiencing homelessness.

[[How By-Name Data Helps Communities End Homelessness|Edit]]

10 Jul 2022 47th Annual Natural Hazards Workshop
NaturalHazardWorkshop1.jpeg Since 1975, the Natural Hazards Center has hosted the annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop in Colorado. Today the Workshop brings together federal, state, and local mitigation and emergency management officials and planning professionals; representatives of nonprofit, private sector, and humanitarian organizations; hazards and disaster researchers; and others dedicated to alleviating the impacts of disasters. You can learn more about the Workshop history on our website.

[[47th Annual Natural Hazards Workshop|Edit]]

11 Jul 2022 National Homeland Security Conference
National Homeland Security Conference.jpeg The National Homeland Security Association sponsors the National Homeland Security Conference. The Conference is the annual meeting of local Homeland Security and emergency management professionals from the Nation’s largest metropolitan areas. It has become the best attended and most highly anticipated homeland security and emergency management conference of the year as it focuses on all emergency response disciplines at all levels of government.

[[National Homeland Security Conference|Edit]]

21 Jul 2022 Supporting Community Cooperation in Urban Design
GreenUrban.jpg Engagement, Visioning, Master Planning, and Making Agreements are found in a process that communities use to make meaningful change in their neighborhood. Community stories are precedents demonstrating the value of integrating nature with development to sustain active and vital community-oriented neighborhoods.

[[Supporting Community Cooperation in Urban Design|Edit]]

31 Jul 2022 World Cities Summit
2022 WORLD CITIES SUMMIT.jpg The World Cities Summit (WCS) is a global platform for government and city leaders, academics and industry experts to share innovative solutions and forge new partnerships to make our cities more liveable, sustainable and resilient against current and future disruptions. Jointly organised by Singapore’s Centre for Liveable Cities and Urban Redevelopment Authority, WCS is typically held every two years in Singapore.

[[World Cities Summit|Edit]]

16 Aug 2022 Green Transportation Summit & Expo 2022
GTSE2022.jpg The Green Transportation Summit & Expo (GTSE) is the West Coast’s premier fleet modernization and sustainable transportation event. GTSE offers attendees an inside look at the latest in fleet technologies and innovation and provides informative sessions featuring a who’s who of national and regional transportation leaders.

[[Green Transportation Summit & Expo 2022|Edit]]

25 Aug 2022 Economic Analysis of Fleet-to-Grid Applications
EnergyStorage@PNNL.jpg This presentation, given by Christine Holland, provides a cost-benefit analysis of four grid services: 1) arbitrage, 2) demand-charge reduction, 3) spinning reserve, and 4) frequency regulation when using fleet vehicle-to-grid (V2G) battery power. V2G technologies enable the bi-directional flow of energy between electric vehicles and the grid.

[[Economic Analysis of Fleet-to-Grid Applications|Edit]]

06 Sep 2022 Leading Smart Cities with Trust Fall 2022
LeadingSmartCitieswithTrust.jpg This six-week professional certificate program is offered by US No. 1 public affairs school (USNews) in partnership with government, academia and the private sector leaders. Learn from successes and failures while building meaningful connections. Discuss your current smart city initiatives too.

[[Leading Smart Cities with Trust Fall 2022|Edit]]

08 Sep 2022 Hype vs. Reality of 5G
HypevsReality5G.jpeg From the public’s perspective, 5G has been hyped at a fever pitch for several years now, but the impact on everyday life has been limited. TV commercials drop terms like “ultra-wideband” or “extended range” and our phones sometimes show 5G where LTE used to be – but has anyone noticed an impact? In this IEEE panel discussion, experts will discuss the challenges created by how the wireless carriers have decided to promote 5G, and what the REAL value of 5G technology is likely to be. (Hint: It’s not just for consumers or phones.)

[[Hype vs. Reality of 5G|Edit]]

14 Sep 2022 SmartCity Expo Miami 2022
MiamiSmartCity2022.jpg Building Smart, Equitable, and Sustainable 21st Century Cities Smart City Expo USA is the country's leading event for cities. We are solving urgent issues of today while preparing cities for tomorrow.

[[SmartCity Expo Miami 2022|Edit]]

14 Sep 2022 FIWARE Global Summit September 2022
FIWARE-SummitSep22.jpeg By the community, for the community (and beyond). Two days of exciting deep dive sessions showcasing the power of open source, outstanding use cases that are leading by example, trending topics in tech, the FIWARE Accelerator DAY, interesting discussions, networking opportunities, and much more.

[[FIWARE Global Summit September 2022|Edit]]

17 Sep 2022 The 2022 ICMA Annual Conference
ICMA2022.jpg ICMA is the world’s leading association of professional city and county managers and other employees who serve local governments.

[[The 2022 ICMA Annual Conference|Edit]]

... further results