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Disruptions on the Horizon 2024 report.pdf Disruptions on the Horizon
Today, the world faces multiple complex crises that can contribute to unexpected disruptions. The Disruptions on the Horizon report stems from a critical question many decision makers grapple with: what disruptions should we anticipate next?

The Disruptions on the Horizon 2024 report identifies and assesses 35 disruptions for which Canada may need to prepare and explores some of the interconnections between them. These disruptions are potential events and circumstances that could affect our society and the way it functions, as well as the way people live, work, and connect. Their impacts can be perceived as positive or negative, depending on one’s perspective.

While the disruptions presented in this report are not guaranteed to occur, they are plausible. Neglecting to consider them may lead to policy failure and missed opportunities. Thinking through possible disruptions when developing policies, programs, and strategies could help seize opportunities, navigate impacts, and minimize risks.

Semiconductor Talent Assessment Jan2024.pdf Semiconductor Workforce and Talent Assessment
The report provides an overview of Oregon’s semiconductor industry and workforce.
Ntia-ai-report-final.pdf Artificial Intelligence Accountability Policy Report
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are rapidly becoming part of the fabric of everyday American life. From customer service to image generation to manufacturing, AI systems are everywhere.

Alongside their transformative potential for good, AI systems also pose risks of harm. These risks include inaccurate or false outputs; unlawful discriminatory algorithmic decision making; destruction of jobs and the dignity of work; and compromised privacy, safety, and security. Given their influence and ubiquity, these systems must be subject to security and operational mechanisms that mitigate risk and warrant stakeholder trust that they will not cause harm.

23 1030 pol cirr final-how-to-write-a-connected-community-strategy 508.pdf DHS Guidebook on How to Write a Connected Community Strategy
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has partnered with representatives from New York (NY), San Jose (CA), Memphis (TN), Chattanooga (TN), and Colorado State University to develop this "how to" guide to help community leaders build a digital transformation strategy. Contributors include chief information officers, chief information security officers, chief privacy officers, economists, technology experts, cyber policy professionals, risk analysts, and former municipal executives, each with unique experience driving community digital transformations. This foundational guide is the first in a series of guides that DHS hopes will help communities achieve their connected community goals.
NIST.CSWP.29.pdf NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has updated the widely used Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), its landmark guidance document for reducing cybersecurity risk. The new 2.0 edition is designed for all audiences, industry sectors and organization types, from the smallest schools and nonprofits to the largest agencies and corporations — regardless of their degree of cybersecurity sophistication.
NIST.SP.1900-207.ipd.pdf Global Community Technology Challenge (GCTC) Strategic Plan 2024-2026
This publication provides a Strategic Plan for the Smart City Infrastructure (SCI) program of the Communications Technology Laboratory at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), the research laboratory of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The SCI program manages the Global Community Technology Challenge (GCTC), a nationwide public-private partnership of cities and communities; local and state government agencies; and private-sector for-profit and non-profit entities.

This strategy is based on a consensus planning process chartered by the NIST SCI program in collaboration with the leadership of twelve GCTC technology sectors (i.e., working groups), who collectively represent over 220 regions, cities and communities that have initiated smart city programs or projects as GCTC member communities.

GCTC Workshop Final Report FINAL.pdf Global Community Technology Challenge (GCTC) Workshop Report
The goal of the workshop series was to generate a community-focused perspective aligned with

and in support of the federally led NIST Smart City Infrastructure program. The specific objective of the meetings was to solicit GCTC leadership input to articulate vision and mission statements as well as to identify forward looking goals and activities for the volunteer organization to inform a community-based strategy for the GCTC, as well as smart and connected communities across the nation.

2023-Menino-Survey-IRA-Report-Final.pdf Building for a Green Future: Cities and the IRA
Passed in 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) features unprecedented federal investment in environmental initiatives. It provides around $370 billion in resources for clean energy technology. These investments come primarily in the form of tax credits and grants available to state and local governments, nonprofits, and individual households.

For example, the Solar for All program “provide[s] up to 60 grants to States, Tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits to expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities that are primed for residential and community solar investment — enabling millions of families to access affordable, resilient, and clean solar energy.” Despite these massive investments, the Biden Administration has expressed growing concerns and frustration about the slow pace with which federal dollars are translating into concrete projects.

User-Guide-2-Identifying-and-Aligning.pdf Digital Twin Stakeholders
This paper has been written and developed in support of Decarbonizing the Built World: A Call to Action, an owner or occupier-led implementation of digital twin-related capabilities required to support the decarbonization of new and existing buildings.

It specifically addresses the role of the stakeholder in this process. The order of stakeholder engagement is a function of when key decision makers identify goals relating to the improvement of building performance.

HUD-Community-Resilient-Toolkit.pdf HUD-Community-Resilient-Toolkit.pdf
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Resilience Toolkit (Toolkit) is designed to assist communities in enhancing their resilience to climate-related natural hazard risks. Although not the focus of this toolkit, consideration of other hazards, risks, and stresses may also enhance resilience.
933286.pdf Smart Cities: A Key Performance Indicators Framework
This publication presents research findings and scientific work that advance the development and progression of smart city and community measurement methodology. The term 'smart,' as used in the phrase 'smart cities,' is defined here as the efficient use of digital technologies to provide prioritized services and benefits to meet community goals.
Workplace-mental-health-well-being.pdf Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being
This Framework is dedicated to all workers who lost their lives during the pandemic and to their families. May this serve as a call to action to lift up the voices of workers, particularly those most vulnerable, and to protect their health and well-being.
JLL-Smart-buildings-final-hires.pdf The Changing Face of Smart Buildings
This marquee project received considerable attention because it was an integrated energy retrofit of a significant building, according to Dan Probst, who heads JLL’s technical operations. Less visible, says Probst, were the many smart building components installed in the iconic structure.
WEF Navigating Global Value Chains Disruptions 2021.pdf The Resiliency Compass
Next generation operations and supply chain leaders will be defined by their ability to withstand and quickly adapt to increasingly disruptive headwinds.
20160630APPAFacilitiesInformaticsMaturityMatrixTechnicalReport-4.pdf APPA Facilities Informatics Maturity Matrix Technical Report
Facilities Informatics is the intersection offacilities, information technology and management practices to achieve betterfacilities/operations. Facilities Informatics involves the application of information technology to facilitate the creation and subsequent use of facilities related data, information and knowledge. This Technical Report helps to characterize the nature of Facilities Informatics and the process on which an organization improves and matures its ability to gather, understand and apply data in decision making.
VOLTTRON™ is an open-source distributed control and sensing platform developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy. It was developed to be used by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to support transactive controls research and deployment activities.
MCI I Framework.pdf Morgenstadt Framework
The "Morgenstadt Framework" is an early version of what is to become the Fraunhofer Morgenstadt approach to analyse cities upon their sustainability performance. The full version will be published as my PhD in 2016.