Amsterdam IoT Living Laboratory and Beacon mile

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Amsterdam IoT Living Laboratory and Beacon mile
GCTC logo 344x80.png
IBeacon Amsterdam.jpg
Amsterdam iBeacon mile
Team Organizations KPN
Sensemakers meetup
Appsterdam meetup
Team Leaders Jonathan Carter
Participating Municipalities Amsterdam Netherlands
Status Launched
Initiative None
Document None


We provide public networks, open infrastructure and data for developers to accelerate emerging IoT innovations for Smart City solutions

  • Glimworm creates Internet of Things infrastructure for the city of Amsterdam via the IoT Living Lab by installing Eddystone beacons, iBeacons, sensors and LoRa (long range) wireless networks that accelerate smart citizen solutions. KPN creates a digital infrastructure by connecting all objects in the city to the www.
  • The Living Lab in Amsterdam is open and implemented in public spaces to provide access to developers and solution providers to test next generation interactive (mobile) applications and sensors that also generate open data thus creating new value chains across industries and economy of scale
  • The goal of IoT Living Lab is to provide IoT infrastructure and actionable Open Data and developer friendly platforms for emerging IoT innovations which stimulates the creation of new startups and (mobile-) applications making a rapid impact on the local economy.”


We want to scale to other cities more quickly than we do right now. We are active in Amsterdam and together with KPN and the Amsterdam ArenA part of several EU proposals but we want to move faster.



Major Requirements

We are already successful in Amsterdam so we need :

  • Scale up successful projects in Amsterdam to rest of Netherlands
  • Create a plan for scaling outside the EU
  • Create a plan for lobbying outside the EU
  • Implementation of those plans
  • Package the product outside the EU

Performance Targets

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Measurement Methods
  • 500% increase in the number of iot suppliers to participating cities
  • 50% cost reduction to participating cities
  • 500% increase in iot pojects benefiting citizens directly in travel, air quality and Health


Standards, Replicability, Scalability, and Sustainability

  • We generate standards and use the best open standards available
  • We have it packaged and because we created an agnostic playing field and tech backbone it is scalable and sustainable
  • We have several sustainable successfull IoT cases in Amsterdam which are replicable and also scalable!

Cybersecurity and Privacy



  • We already stimulated the Dutch landscape so that a new open non profit IOT telco has emerged. We have also assisted multiple new companies with their use case creation and provided the ability for them to test and demo in urban environments.
  • Beside that we are also bringing up new business models with partners like KPN and Amsterdam ArenA for retail and leisure with which they can enhance traffic and conversion. The use of (big-) data analyses will be key to this suspected success.


Phase I Pilot:

Lab in Amsterdam providing digital infrastructure and open standards linked with open data and business models as mentioned

Phase II Deployment:

Deployment in 10 cities among Netherlands, EU and outside EU