Property:Has pdf

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Saitama-SmartCity-Hiroaki-Nishi-0610.pdf  +
School-Toolkit.pdf  +
CommunityCloudPrivacy.pdf  +
Semiconductor Talent Assessment Jan2024.pdf  +
ABB to support Shell’s global EV charging ambitions.pdf  +
100 A 3 SBAC 10 min Intro Presentation for GCTC 20June2018 (OTIA edits).pdf  +
Smart_Cities_in_the_Time_of_Pandemic_public.pdf  +
300 B 6 Vision Architecture Smart City Strategic Planning and Digital Transformation Methodology 06202018 V1.5.pdf  +
Brochure cattlechain v05-2.pdf  +
300 A 7 GCTC Slides Smart Waste & Security.pdf  +
SolutionstoWater-EnergyNexusChallenges.pdf  +
ConcordSecurityGCTCPortlandTechJamJune2018.pdf  +
2019_GCTC-SC3_Cybersecurity_and_Privacy_Advisory_Committee_Guidebook_July_2019.pdf  +