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18 Sep 2022 ITS World Congress 2022
ITSWC22.jpg ITS World Congress 2022, is the global event that brings together world leaders, practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and private industry to advance and unite the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) industry to taking explore “Transformation by Transportation”.

[[ITS World Congress 2022|Edit]]

26 Sep 2022 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference
8thIEEE.jpg The IEEE International Smart Cities Conference is the flagship IEEE Smart Cities event which brings together practitioners, city policymakers & administrators, infrastructure operators, industry representatives and researchers to present technologies and applications, share their experiences & views with current and future Smart Cities applications. The conference includes keynote and panel session discussions, tutorials given by experts on state-of-the-art topics, and special sessions on emerging topics with the aim of complementing the regular program.

[[8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference|Edit]]

26 Sep 2022 Fall 2022 Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo
Sc22spring hdr 1200px.gif Smart cities represent a poetic fusion of community and innovation, dancing between what's possible and what is required. At Smart Cities Connect, we bring all of it together in an event that pushes and prods and gets real about city challenges and opportunities. If you're looking to make a difference in your community, want to collaborate with others in your field, or want to share an innovative solution, join us September 26-29, 2022 in Washington D.C. for the sixth annual Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo.

[[Fall 2022 Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo|Edit]]

03 Oct 2022 ISOCARP 58th World Planning Congress
ISOCARP58.jpg From Wealthy to Healthy Cities - Urbanism and Planning for the Well-Being of Citizens In Search of a new Planning Agenda for Urban Health, Socio-Spatial Justice and Climate Resilience

[[ISOCARP 58th World Planning Congress|Edit]]

24 Oct 2022 SCNY Urban Tech Summit 2022
SCNY Urban Tech Summit.jpg Smart Cities New York (SCNY) is North America’s leading global conference exploring the emerging influence of cities in shaping the future. With the global smart city market expected to grow to $1.6 trillion within the next three years, Smart Cities New York is Powered by People. The conference brings together top thought leaders and senior members of the private and public sector to discuss investments in physical and digital infrastructure, health, education, sustainability, security, mobility, workforce development, and more, to ensure cities are central to advancing and improving urban life.

[[SCNY Urban Tech Summit 2022|Edit]]

25 Oct 2022 Cybersecurity Symposium For Smart Cities 2022
Cybersecurity Symposium.jpg With trillions of dollars of taxpayers' investments, a better future is in our generation's grasp, if and only if we lead wisely. What's wise? COVID has spoken, "it's security and equity, stupid."

[[Cybersecurity Symposium For Smart Cities 2022|Edit]]

27 Oct 2022 Tech Cities 2022
TechCities2022.jpg On a global scale, tech is a larger portion of major economies - and commercial real estate - than ever before. 2022's release of Tech Cities examines the top location strategy drivers for tech occupiers, identifies the top global tech markets and the impact of tech companies on office real estate.

[[Tech Cities 2022|Edit]]

01 Nov 2022 Web Summit Technology Conference 2022
Web-summit-logo-dhi.jpg This is a time of great uncertainty for industries across the world. At Web Summit, we gather the founders and CEOs of technology companies, fast-growing startups, policymakers, and heads of state to ask a simple question: Where to next? As a partner, you can help us ask that question. Talk to our team about how Web Summit can help your company meet its goals.

[[Web Summit Technology Conference 2022|Edit]]

10 Nov 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society 2022
ISTAS22.jpg ISTAS is the flag ship conference of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) whose constitution is "The impact of technology (as embodied by the fields of interest of IEEE) on society, including both positive and negative effects, the impact of society on the engineering profession, the history of the societal aspects of electro technology, and professional social and economic responsibility in the practice of engineering and its related technology."

[[IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society 2022|Edit]]

15 Nov 2022 Smart City Expo & World Congress 2022
Smart City Expo & World Congress 2022B.jpg Three days of industry experts giving their insights and leading organizations sharing their expertise. 3 days of tackling common problems and discovering innovative new solutions. 3 days of connecting, both in Barcelona and online, with a diverse global community that shares our goal: to help build better, safer, more inclusive cities worldwide. And 3 days that have brought us another step closer to achieving it.

[[Smart City Expo & World Congress 2022|Edit]]

17 Nov 2022 Planning for Equitable Urban Density and Healthy Communities
EquitableHealthyUrbanDesign.jpg Through his leadership he has helped clients use sustainable urban design practices that give communities the greatest potential to create equitable and low carbon emitting neighborhoods.

[[Planning for Equitable Urban Density and Healthy Communities|Edit]]

30 Nov 2022 Reuters NEXT
ReutersNext.jpg Reuters NEXT is the most important and wide-reaching event on the planet that unites world leaders, big business and forward-thinking pioneers to inspire, drive action and accelerate innovation to tackle humanity’s greatest challenges.

[[Reuters NEXT|Edit]]

04 Dec 2022 PNWER 2022 Economic Leadership Forum
PNWER 2022 Economic Leadership Forum.png The Economic Leadership Forum provides an opportunity for local, provincial, and state leaders in both the public and private sectors to carry out in-depth discussions on key subjects affecting our regional economy.

[[PNWER 2022 Economic Leadership Forum|Edit]]

06 Dec 2022 IoT Smart Infrastructure Working Group - Use Case Summit
IoT and Smart Cities Workshop.jpg This event will feature sessions that describe the current federal government success stories in connecting emerging technology to the mission of serving citizens. These use cases will inspire and enlighten you on the behind-the-scenes use of the latest technology.

[[IoT Smart Infrastructure Working Group - Use Case Summit|Edit]]

09 Dec 2022 IEEE Miami Tech Conference
IEEE Miami Tech Conference.jpg Find out more about the inductive highway, Magnetic Levitation bullet trains, family space vacations, the Metaverse, Solar Power cars, deep underwater colonies, Hover cars that can fly, Space Force, big data, artificial intelligence, driverless cargo trucks, health electronics, green energy investments, the sonic passenger plane, ballistic missiles, and new tech colleges eco district. Don't miss out on new and innovative technologies. Be on the cutting edge of your career and workforce.

[[IEEE Miami Tech Conference|Edit]]

12 Dec 2022 Smart City Expo Miami 2022
SmartCityExpoMiami.jpg Hosted by Smart Cities America, LLC, this innovative expo promotes initiatives that strive to provide a better future for citizens, communities and cities. Urban innovation topics that will be addressed at the expo include sustainable growth, climate action, resilient infrastructure, smart destination, inclusive/sharing cities and quality of life.

[[Smart City Expo Miami 2022|Edit]]

16 Dec 2022 Sustainability Innovations-Coral Gables
SmartCitiesCouncilInfrastructure2022.jpg This workshop features leaders of both the public and private sectors to discuss the use cases and solutions that are enabling a more sustainable and resilient region. We will explore policy, technology and funding options that help address the built environment, buildings and vehicles. We will explore topics such as: Decarbonization and Clean Energy; Smart and Healthy Buildings; Smart Lighting; Federal and State Funding; Digital Twins and the Metaverse; Iot and Sensorization.

[[Sustainability Innovations-Coral Gables|Edit]]

03 Jan 2023 Coral Gables Smart Districts Cyber-Physical Infrastructure
IEEEMonthlyUpdate.jpg Coral Gables in Florida has implemented robust and resilient smart city technology infrastructures and engineering frameworks throughout multiple innovative districts that provide hyper-connectivity, visibility, control and automation of city services.

[[Coral Gables Smart Districts Cyber-Physical Infrastructure|Edit]]

11 Jan 2023 Indo-Pacific Business Forum 2023
USTDA-IPBF-23.jpg Hosted and sponsored by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the U.S. Department of State and in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, the Indo-Pacific Business Forum (IPBF) is the premier public-private U.S. government event to promote trade, investment and economic cooperation between the United States and its partners throughout the Indo-Pacific region.

[[Indo-Pacific Business Forum 2023|Edit]]

18 Jan 2023 Open Meeting of the Internet of Things Advisory Board
NIST-IoT.jpg The Internet of Things (IoT) Advisory Board will meet Wednesday, January 18, 2023, and Thursday, January 19, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time. All sessions will be open to the public.

[[Open Meeting of the Internet of Things Advisory Board|Edit]]

19 Jan 2023 Teaching Open Source
TeachingOpenSource.jpg Professors from Western New England University and Drexel University share their knowledge, resources and experience teaching open source.

[[Teaching Open Source|Edit]]

25 Jan 2023 EV Charging Infrastructure West 2023
EVChargingInfrastructureWest.png The conference will highlight plans, opportunities, challenges and solutions for developing a resilient, equitable and customer-friendly charging infrastructure in the western states. The event will bring together policymakers, regulators, utilities, municipalities, transportation departments, charging infrastructure developers, EVSEs, OEMs and technology providers to share their plans, experiences, best practices, lessons learned and perspectives to accelerate the development of the electric charging infrastructure in the western region.

[[EV Charging Infrastructure West 2023|Edit]]

15 Feb 2023 Best Practices Trip: Greater Portland
Portland Best Practices Trip.jpg Over the course of three days, we'll explore best practices of cities right here at home. Join us to learn from community leaders and city officials from Vancouver, Wilsonville, Oregon City, Hillsboro, Gresham and Portland.

[[Best Practices Trip: Greater Portland|Edit]]

16 Feb 2023 Coral Gables Sustainability Innovations Workshop
SuatainableWorkplace.png This workshop will focus on how the City of Coral Gables and Miami-Dade County are utilizing technology and process to develop innovative solutions to address sustainability and resilience goals. Areas of focus will include: Decarbonization and Clean Energy, Smart Buildings, Federal Funding, Digital Twins, IoT and Sensorization.

[[Coral Gables Sustainability Innovations Workshop|Edit]]

21 Feb 2023 ISO/IEC 5087 Series of City Data Standards
IEEE Smart Cities Webinar.jpeg This presentation will review the portfolio of ontology-based standards for city data being development by ISO/IEC JTC1 Working Group 11 on Smart Cities.

[[ISO/IEC 5087 Series of City Data Standards|Edit]]

21 Feb 2023 1st FIWARE Global Summit '23 Pre-Conference Webinar
FIWARESummit23.jpg The 9th edition of the FIWARE Global Summit, held in the FIWARE-referenced Smart City of Vienna (Austria), will be its biggest to date. As one of the leading Open Source conferences for entrepreneurs, public administrations, academia, developers, start-ups, and technologists, the Summit offers two action-packed days of world-class innovation, collaboration, and networking.

[[1st FIWARE Global Summit '23 Pre-Conference Webinar|Edit]]

22 Feb 2023 The Value of Digital Twins: From Concept to Reality
The Value of Digital Twins.jpg In this free virtual forum, Digital Twin Consortium CTO Dan Isaacs and special guest panelists will discuss the value of digital twins from concept to reality.

[[The Value of Digital Twins: From Concept to Reality|Edit]]

28 Feb 2023 First Annual V2G Business, Policy & Technology Forum
FirstV2G.jpg The V2G Business, Policy & Technology Forum convenes top industry players, working groups, utility professionals and others who are focused on the successful development and implementation of V2G in the United States.

[[First Annual V2G Business, Policy & Technology Forum|Edit]]

01 Mar 2023 Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transport 2023
Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transport.jpg The conference will discuss recent developments, emerging trends, progress in the deployment of autonomous vehicles for public transit, policy framework, best practices to integrate AVs and public transport, potential use cases of AVs in public transport, strategies for the deployment of AVs to support transit operations, infrastructure required to deploy AVs, and labor force transformation. The conference will showcase case studies, pilot projects, and new and existing technologies for AVs.

[[Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transport 2023|Edit]]

16 Mar 2023 Future Food-Tech 2023
FFT SF2023.jpg As the world adjusts to the impacts of climate change, conflict, and a changing economic landscape, securing access to sustainable and nutritious food is more important than ever.

[[Future Food-Tech 2023|Edit]]

28 Mar 2023 ACT-IAC Emerging Technology COI: Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities
Internet of Things and Smart Cities.jpg A Smart City is the compilation of digitally connected people, information, and urban elements. While the technologies underpinning these communities are in a continuous state of evolution, the objective is to ensure a citizen-oriented approach to city management, expanding community collaboration, embracing diversity and inclusivity, and celebrating collaborative creativity. And while the Internet of Things (IoT) offers incredible promise and opportunity to enhance quality of life, it is equally important to mitigate risk, dispel myth, and educate the masses.

[[ACT-IAC Emerging Technology COI: Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities|Edit]]

18 Apr 2023 SmartCitiesWorld Cities Climate Action Summit
CCAS.jpg Through three days of virtual and in-person discussion, you will gain valuable insights to create clearer strategies, to build a smart, resilient city that tackles climate change and considers the impact on liveability, equity and long-term sustainability.

[[SmartCitiesWorld Cities Climate Action Summit|Edit]]

19 Apr 2023 Spring 2023 Enterprise Mediawiki Conference 2023
link= Spring 2023 EMWCon will be a three-day conference featuring discussions of topics related to "Enterprise MediaWiki", i.e. the usage of MediaWiki software by and within companies, non-profits, governments, and other organizations. The intended audience of EMWCon Spring 2023 is anyone who uses, or would like to learn more about, MediaWiki within organizations.

[[Enterprise Mediawiki Conference 2023|Edit]]

20 Apr 2023 IAEM Virtual Conference 2023
IMEAPluggedIn.jpg The conference will provide two days of learning opportunities with day one including a mix of speaker and sponsored solution sessions. On day two, attendees will have multiple choices of training sessions, many provided by federal partners.

[[IAEM Virtual Conference 2023|Edit]]

24 Apr 2023 International Resilience Conference 2023
RESCON-NGA-New-NGA-logo.png ResCon offers programming that touches on a wide range of topics: Economic Resilience, Emergency Management, Coastal Restoration and Water Management, Technology, Homeland Security, First Response, Business Continuity and all aspects of Disaster Resilience, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation.

[[International Resilience Conference 2023|Edit]]

26 Apr 2023 Urbanism Next Conference
Urbanism Next Conference.jpg The Urbanism Next Conference brings together experts from around the world to learn about how emerging technologies are changing land use, urban design, building design, transportation, and real estate and what these changes mean for equity, health and safety, the economy, and the environment. Plenary speakers are listed below.

[[Urbanism Next Conference|Edit]]

26 Apr 2023 Composing Intelligent Transportation Hubs
Composing Intelligent Transportation Hubs.jpg Decision intelligence within transportation hubs requires AI, IoT sensors, computer vision, and robots composed into a dynamic system of systems providing higher-level capabilities. From airports to seaports, these capabilities must be tailored to meet specific customer requirements and desired outcomes – including sustainability – requiring a paradigm shift in the way we trade and deliver solutions.

[[Composing Intelligent Transportation Hubs|Edit]]

26 Apr 2023 Cities Summit of the Americas 2023
Cities-Summit-2023.jpg The Cities Summit will promote regional cooperation, convening subnational leaders from across the entire Western Hemisphere with diverse and inclusive representatives of government, civil society, business, academia, youth, culture and the arts, and indigenous and underrepresented groups.

[[Cities Summit of the Americas 2023|Edit]]

02 May 2023 2023 National Shared Mobility Summit
2023NSMS.jpg The Summit offers the opportunity to take steps collectively to replace car-centric transportation with people-focused shared mobility to fight climate change, promote equity, and strengthen community. At speeches, workshops, panels, and field trips, we will try to break down silos and bridge gaps. To lay the groundwork for successful partnerships and mobilize toward multimodal transportation systems. We will explore new technologies that promise it all, and from behavior change to funding, we can begin to address the challenges that hold us back.

[[2023 National Shared Mobility Summit|Edit]]

15 May 2023 FORTH Roadmap Conference 2023
RoadMapForth.png The nation's premier electric transportation conference, where leaders convene to transform how people and goods move.

[[FORTH Roadmap Conference 2023|Edit]]

16 May 2023 Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo 2023
Scc23Spring eventbanner.jpg Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo offers the most comprehensive conference, exposition and accelerator of smart city innovation in North America. We deliver premium networking and educational opportunities with a keen focus on city leaders and their priorities. Working closely with the technology community, we bring together the largest collection of intelligent systems providers for energy, infrastructure, networks, data management, urban mobility, citizen engagement and governance solutions.

[[Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo 2023|Edit]]

22 May 2023 2023 IACP Technology Conference
IACP 23 Tech Logo.jpg The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), as the world’s largest and most influential professional association for police leaders, is committed to advancing the safety of communities worldwide.

[[2023 IACP Technology Conference|Edit]]

30 May 2023 7th Annual Smart Cities International Symposium and Exhibition
7SmartCitySymposium.jpg Organised by the Smart Grid Observer, the 7th Annual Smart Cities International Symposium and Exhibition, May 30-31, 2023 in Chicago, brings together thought leaders and practitioners from around the world to explore the most recent technology advances, business models, and lessons learned to date in making the Smart City a reality. Top executives and subject matter experts will examine the experiences of municipal governments who are pushing the envelope and moving toward actual implementation of the Smart City vision. The emphasis is on implementation strategy, case studies, best practices, and the development of compelling business models for transitioning to the 21st Century Smart City.

[[7th Annual Smart Cities International Symposium and Exhibition|Edit]]

01 Jun 2023 Future of the Building Industry
Future of the Building Industry.jpg This 1.5-day workshop will feature invited speakers and participants from academia, industry, and government, coming together to brainstorm and take actions toward realizing high-performance, sustainable and healthy ‘smart infrastructure’ of the future.

[[Future of the Building Industry|Edit]]

06 Jun 2023 IOT Intelligent Cities Summit 2023
IoTIntelligentCities600.jpeg Public sector event focused on initiating meaningful conversations about all aspects of creating and maintaining an efficient, holistic public sector. This showcase will include two summits, productive workshops, exhibitions, and an opportunity to network with peers from across USA and beyond.

[[IOT Intelligent Cities Summit 2023|Edit]]

06 Jun 2023 Ecocity World Summit 2023
Ecocity2023.jpg Ecocity World Summit addresses the way humanity builds its home. It promote the understanding and development of cities that are ecologically healthy and sustainable, economically prosperous and fair, and socially just and caring.

[[Ecocity World Summit 2023|Edit]]

11 Jun 2023 EVS36 — 36th Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition
EVS36.jpg Organized and hosted by EDTA, the 36th Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition (EVS36) is the premier showcase for industry innovation and is the longest-running international conference devoted to electric transportation and technologies.

[[EVS36 — 36th Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition|Edit]]

12 Jun 2023 London Tech Week
London Tech Week2023.jpg London Tech Week is a global celebration of tech, uniting the most innovative thinkers and talent of tomorrow in a week-long festival. Showcasing how tech is transforming business and society, London Tech Week drives thought provoking conversations around innovation, diversity and transformation, providing a platform for the tech ecosystem to come together to drive change.

[[London Tech Week|Edit]]

12 Jun 2023 FIWARE Global Summit 2023
FIWARE Global Summit Blank.jpg Two day in person summit featuring a curated framework of Open Source Platform components to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions

[[FIWARE Global Summit 2023|Edit]]

26 Jun 2023 The MetroLab Network 2023 Annual Summit
MetroLab Summit.png This summit brings together leading representatives from local government, major research universities, industry, and non-profits for an in-person summit on June 26th-28th at Portland State University in Portland, OR. The Summit is an opportunity for attendees to share, discuss, collaborate, and present their ideas in civic innovation and technology through the programming, which will include speakers, panels, and roundtable sessions.

[[The MetroLab Network 2023 Annual Summit|Edit]]