Open platform for scalable and multi-domain IoT applications for smart cities

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Open platform for scalable and multi-domain IoT applications for smart cities
GCTC logo 344x80.png
Genoa Italy
Team Organizations Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA (Italy)
Bocconi University - IEFE - Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy (Italy)
Integrated Planning Policy and Regulation Action Cluster - European Innovation Partnership for Smart cities (EU)
Team Leaders Paolo Castiglieri
Participating Municipalities Genoa Italy
Milan Italy
Torino Italy
Status Development
Initiative None
Document None



  • To adopt FIWARE as a flexible framework to build multi domain Internet of Things applications.
  • To prove the easy replicability of a FIWARE based IoT application on preventing environmental disasters deployed in Genoa, in another IoT application on smart smart parking needed in Milan.
  • To prove the interoperability between an open platform deployed in Turin for implementing a waste management application and FIWARE.


  • Preventing environmental disasters
  • Smart parking,
  • Waste Management



Major Requirements

  • Assessment of specific requirements from the city(ies) involved
  • Identification of all functional requirements for applications on the three domains: Preventing environmental disasters, Smart parking, Smart Waste.
  • Identification of the FIWARE Generic enablers implementations needed for the three IoT applications and select the common FIWARE GEis.
  • Reuse part of the technical solution already developed in Genoa, Milan and Turin into the new Fiware- based IoT applications.
  • Testing application pilots in a controlled real environment (Genoa, Milan and Turin)
  • Refinement of application’s performance according to the feedback gathered
  • Deployment of solutions in city(ies)

Smart parking scenario in Milan: The IoT application and services to be deployed in Milan are related with the so called “FIWARE based Smart Parking platform”, an integrated system for the management of the parking slots: in particular, the system will provide specific functionalities for disable people parking and loading/unloading freight parking. The FIWARE based Smart Parking platform will be an improvement of the existent Integrate Mobility System and it will offer to the citizens a set of functions related to parking: booking and payments, on street control, business analytics and reports, predictive info-parking etc. It will take advantage from the reusage of existent piece of functionalities already implemented by FIWARE Generic Enablers implementations that are going to be used.

Smart waste scenario in Turin: A smart waste pilot has been deployed in the city of Turin and is operating since September 2015, within the context of the EU-funded project ALMANAC (Reliable Smart Secure Internet Of Things For Smart Cities - More specifically, the pilot in the center of Turin involves two underground ecological islands (UEIs), which were equipped with sensors, solar panels and RFID access modules to optimize waste-related processes and improve the quality of the recycled waste. Data from these UEIs together with data from the collection truck (i.e. weight measurements and GPS coordinates) is integrated and aggregated through the open ALMANAC Smart City platform that leverages the LinkSmart® Open Source Middleware Platform. ALMANAC project duration goes from September2013 to August 2016.

Performance Targets

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Measurement Methods
  • Reduction of more than 30% of costs (in Euro) for the re-adaptation of an existing IoT application based on FIWARE in respect to an application built from scratch.
  • At least 60% of time reduction on time-to-market of the application on smart parking
  • Improve of the risks prediction time (Genoa pilot) by
  • Time reduction in parking search (Milan pilot) by al least 50%
  • Increase of % of total waste collected which is recycled by at least 30% (Turin pilot)

Benchmarking based on historical data

Standards, Replicability, Scalability, and Sustainability

This project will leverage:

Genoa: on SSS (Security Supervision System – included in HARMONISE European Union Project ) the decision support system used in the city of Genoa that provides intelligence and resilience to complex urban built infrastructures and tools for mitigation, preparedness and response phase on resilience cycle.

Milan: on the current integrated mobility system (IMS), which is the main platform that manages the mobility sensor infrastructure of Milan city, in particular the “zone C” The integrated mobility system is based on a software platform connected with specific subsystems that control the different sensors located in the city center, in particular:

  • Urban Traffic Control: 700 traffic light
  • Traffic Monitoring: 980 sections
  • Bus “On Board device”:1600
  • Environmental data collection: 10 cabinet
  • Variable Message Signs: 44 vms
  • Video-surveillance: 1400 cameras
  • Violation control system: 154 gates
  • Parking meter

Turin: on the open ALMANAC Smart City Platform. (SCP) offering cloud-based open APIs to support innovative applications created by third party developers. To maximize interoperability, the developed SCP offers OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standard compliant APIs and exploits other relevant IoT standards including ETSI M2M, OSGi and MQTT. ALMANAC is a EU- funded project under the FP7 programme which has a duration of 3 years. The project started in September 2013 and will finish by the end of August 2016.

For FIWARE, a public, royalty-free and open source platform that eases the development of Smart Applications in multiple vertical sectors. Besides being one of the reference platforms for GCTC 2016, FIWARE is contributing to the International Technical Working Group on IoT-Enabled Smart City Framework launched by NIST. FIWARE brings the NGSI standard API which represents a pivot point for Interoperability and Portability of smart city applications and services.

Such FIWARE NGSI API is one of the pillars of the Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative (, a driven-by-implementation initiative that works to address the needs from the cities avoiding vendor lock-in, comparability to benchmark performance, and easy sharing of best practices. There are currently 89 cities from 19 countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific who have officially joined this initiative, including the city of Genoa.

Cybersecurity and Privacy



Following the open source paradigm and taking advantage from a very active open community, like FIWARE Community, existing FIWARE based Iot solutions for smart cities can be easily replicated and reused in different context and domains. The easy replicability of a FIWARE based solution on preventing environmental disasters (deployed in Genoa) in a FIWARE based IoT application on smart parking (going to be deployed in Milan) will be proved. Moreover, interoperability of the ALMANAC open platform, deploied in Turin with FIWARE will be proved.


  • Phase I Pilot/Demonstration:
  1. Analysis of infrastructures, sensors and systems used in cities
  2. Identification of common FIWARE Generic Enabler Implementations among the three pilots
  3. First adaptation of the existing platforms used in cities through FIWARE Generic Enablers implementations
  • Phase II Deployment:
  1. Deployment of an application pilot in a real environment
  2. Deployment of application in the cities
  3. Testing the performance with a set of early adopters
  4. Demonstrator Assessment and validation