Nashville Department of Transportation & Multimodal Infrastructure

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Published 2021-06-21
Point(s) of Contact
Organization(s) Nashville Department of Transportation & Multimodal Infrastructure
Where Nashville TN
Display Yes
Press Release

A department focused solely on transportation was a priority for Mayor Cooper during his 2019 campaign and was again recommended in the Metro Nashville Transportation Plan, adopted in late 2020 by Metro Council. The department recently received significant funding increases in both the 2021-2022 capital and operating budgets, with over $120 million in transportation related capital funding, and 42 additional positions added. With many cities moving toward independent local transportation departments, the advantages are clear: efficiency, sustained focus, and accountability. As Nashville continues to grow, building out a 21st century multimodal transportation network that prioritizes safety and equity will be key to maintaining quality of life for Nashville residents, and a department dedicated to these issues is essential to carrying out this vision.