Global Organization of Smart Cities GO SMART

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Global Organization of Smart Cities GO SMART
GCTC logo 344x80.png
Go Smart
Team Organizations Taipei Computer Association
Chunghwa Telecom
WeMo scooter
Team Leaders Chen-Yu Lee
Participating Municipalities Taipei Taiwan
Utrecht Netherlands
Status Implemented
Initiative None
Document None


  • Currently many cities in the world are facing similar challenges and have therefore developed their own Smart City strategy and are running their own Smart City projects. Considering the similarity of the challenges, there lies huge potential in effective knowledge exchange and collaboration.
  • GO SMART aims to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange between Smart Cities, by means of one-on-one matchmaking, opportunity reports and workshops.


  • Aligning stakes for different city stakeholders is a challenge, as every stakeholder has its own agenda.
  • The physical distance between places creates a threshold for collaborations.
  • Keeping the platform active and engaging is a challenge


  • By being as open as possible and providing the platform for city stakeholders to meet, stakeholders can conduct a first scan to estimate the collaboration potential with other city stakeholders.
  • GO SMART as a platform tries to facilitate as much as possible using digital technology to reduce the threshold. Furthermore, also international events are fully utilized to make stakeholders meet eachother physically.
  • GO SMART actively provides the latest news on the platform and engages cities and other stakeholders to share their latest Smart City advancements.

Major Requirements

GO SMART being a platform, the key is to connect different stakeholders from anywhere in the world with eachother. The major steps to effectively achieve this are:

  • Engaging members to actively share their challenges and opportunities
  1. Publishing opportunity reports
  2. Organising online workshops based on city challenges
  3. Organising offline workshops at Smart City Expos
  4. One-on-One matchmaking using the GO SMART website as a platform
  • Effectively matching parties with eachother
  • Develop use cases to further spread and scale solutions globally

Performance Targets

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Measurement Methods
  • Successfully establishing 5 international use cases of inter-city Proof-of-Concept (PoC) projects.
  • Publishing 6 opportunity reports
  • Organising 6 workshops
  • Presence at 5 Smart City exhibitions
  • Publishing 12 newsletters
  • By collecting feedback from the GO SMART members at the General Members Assembly

Standards, Replicability, Scalability, and Sustainability

  • GO SMART as a platform aims to support scaling and replication of successful Smart City solutions.
  • GO SMART aims to effectively match supply and demand of Smart solutions, meaning that every city does not need to reinvent the wheel.

Cybersecurity and Privacy

  • Cybersecurity and privacy are issues which touch upon many technology related projects. Based on a database of projects, GO SMART will be able to build a reference framework regarding the role of cybersecurity and privacy in each case. The reference framework will support in determining to what extent privacy should be protected, how it should be protected and when cybersecurity should prevail over privacy.


  • The current environmental threats are numerous, from global warming to the ever growing plastic soup in the ocean.
  • By connecting global partners, GO SMART aims to accelerate urban innovation, so cities can speed up developments related to energy efficiency, air quality management and mobility management.
  • By connecting a multitude of stakeholders, GO SMART aims to develop ‘integrated solutions’ and cross-fertilization between partners from different backgrounds, to develop next generation urban solutions.
  • In order to make global impact, smart solutions should be scaled and replicated, which GO SMART will facilitate.


GO SMART currently 146 members, all eager to develop smart city solutions and to collaborate with global partners. The workability of GO SMART as a platform can be showcased at the GCTC by means of a presentation, posters and videos.

Certain projects can also be presented separately, showcasing products or services related to certain solutions.