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Showing 20 pages using this property.
What’s the value of automatic, secure Wi-Fi connectivity to a smart city? Mobile phone coverage in dense cities can suffer from blackspots and poor indoor performance.  +
Hyland is a leading content services provider that enables thousands of organizations to focus on what they do best and deliver better experiences to the people they serve. A new Forrester Consulting study says “content is critical to improving the customer experience, but few are able to leverage its full potential.” Learn to leverage your full potential with Hyland.  +
From the public’s perspective, 5G has been hyped at a fever pitch for several years now, but the impact on everyday life has been limited. TV commercials drop terms like “ultra-wideband” or “extended range” and our phones sometimes show 5G where LTE used to be – but has anyone noticed an impact? In this IEEE panel discussion, experts will discuss the challenges created by how the wireless carriers have decided to promote 5G, and what the REAL value of 5G technology is likely to be. (Hint: It’s not just for consumers or phones.)  +
Hyperloop is a proposed mode of transportation that uses a high-speed train that travels through a vacuum-sealed tube. The idea was first proposed by Elon Musk in 2013, who suggested that the technology could be used to travel between major cities at speeds of up to 700 miles per hour.  +
I&C Technology(KOSDAQ) was established in 1996, declaring its visions as an SoC supplier of wired and wireless communications, and global market leader  +
The I3 project is creating a tool that will allow independent device owners to directly manage how the data streams from their IOT devices are delivered to applications. Opensource Project software includes support for privacy, trust, and incentive management. Requirements and proof-of-concepts complete. Consortium management structure in process. Demonstration systems in process. R1.0 beta software in design.  +
The conference will provide two days of learning opportunities with day one including a mix of speaker and sponsored solution sessions. On day two, attendees will have multiple choices of training sessions, many provided by federal partners.  +
The International Association of Emergency Managers conference will provide two days of learning opportunities with day one including a mix of speaker and sponsored solution sessions. On day two, attendees will have multiple choices of training sessions, many provided by federal partners.  +
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is an American multinational technology corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, with operations in over 171 countries. The company began in 1911, founded in Endicott, New York, by trust businessman Charles Ranlett Flint, as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) and was renamed "International Business Machines" in 1924. IBM is incorporated in New York.  +
The IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE’s Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). ISTAS is a multi/inter/trans‐disciplinary forum for engineers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, philosophers, researchers, social scientists, technologists, and polymaths to collaborate, exchange experiences, and discuss the social implications of technology.  +
ISTAS is the flag ship conference of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) whose constitution is "The impact of technology (as embodied by the fields of interest of IEEE) on society, including both positive and negative effects, the impact of society on the engineering profession, the history of the societal aspects of electro technology, and professional social and economic responsibility in the practice of engineering and its related technology."  +
Find out more about the inductive highway, Magnetic Levitation bullet trains, family space vacations, the Metaverse, Solar Power cars, deep underwater colonies, Hover cars that can fly, Space Force, big data, artificial intelligence, driverless cargo trucks, health electronics, green energy investments, the sonic passenger plane, ballistic missiles, and new tech colleges eco district. Don't miss out on new and innovative technologies. Be on the cutting edge of your career and workforce.  +
Two barriers currently exist to effective and powerful smart city solutions. First, many current smart city ICT deployments are based on custom systems that are not interoperable, portable across cities, extensible, or cost-effective. Second, a number of architectural design efforts are currently underway (e.g. ISO/IEC JTC1, IEC, IEEE, ITU and consortia) but have not yet converged, creating uncertainty among stakeholders. To reduce these barriers, NIST and its partners convened an international public working group to compare and distil from these architectural efforts and city stakeholders a consensus framework of common architectural features to enable smart city solutions that meet the needs of modern communities.  +
Public sector event focused on initiating meaningful conversations about all aspects of creating and maintaining an efficient, holistic public sector. This showcase will include two summits, productive workshops, exhibitions, and an opportunity to network with peers from across USA and beyond.  +
Public sector event focused on initiating meaningful conversations about all aspects of creating and maintaining an efficient, holistic public sector. This showcase will include two summits, productive workshops, exhibitions, and an opportunity to network with peers from across USA and beyond.  +
The rising awareness of climate change has caused the popularization of sustainability and the realization that we need to do things not only differently, but better. As focus shifts to finding solutions to climate issues, technological advancements and innovation present a promising way forward. The Internet of Things, for example, which Boston Consulting Group estimates will boom into an $267 billion dollar industry by 2021, promises to facilitate great leaps in our efforts to transform our places and spaces, from homes and offices to entire cities, into sustainable environments. If IoT technologies build on not only established technology, but also new capabilities in the backend, such as artificial intelligence, deep semantic interoperability and novel contractual arrangements like Blockchains, they will undoubtedly bring fundamental change to all sectors of activity, improving the way we live and work. In other words, IoT is likely to be an essential element of the Next Generation Internet, setting the groundwork for systems and devices of the future.  +
IOTA’s Tangle is an open, feeless and scalable distributed ledger, designed to support frictionless data and value transfer.  +
IOTA has fundamentally reengineered distributed ledger technology, enabling secure exchange of both value and data, without any fees.  +
ISO Spaces offers a full turnkey solution for the entire [ RIBA] construction process. Helping to develop your concept, take your project through planning and design, manufacture modular buildings and provide full management, digital and civil packages.  +
This presentation will review the portfolio of ontology-based standards for city data being development by ISO/IEC JTC1 Working Group 11 on Smart Cities.  +