Global Community Technology Challenge (GCTC) Strategic Plan 2024-2026

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Title Global Community Technology Challenge (GCTC) Strategic Plan 2024-2026
Type report
Publisher NIST
Author Michael Dunaway, Thomas Roth, Edward Griffor, David Wollman
Issue 2024-02-21
Date Accessed 2024-02-21
File Paper

This publication provides a Strategic Plan for the Smart City Infrastructure (SCI) program of the Communications Technology Laboratory at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), the research laboratory of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The SCI program manages the Global Community Technology Challenge (GCTC), a nationwide public-private partnership of cities and communities; local and state government agencies; and private-sector for-profit and non-profit entities.

This strategy is based on a consensus planning process chartered by the NIST SCI program in collaboration with the leadership of twelve GCTC technology sectors (i.e., working groups), who collectively represent over 220 regions, cities and communities that have initiated smart city programs or projects as GCTC member communities.

On January 25 2024 the results of this report were publisher in the GCTC Workshop Final Report. These workshops provided material from which the Strategic Plan (2024-2026) was developed

Strategic Plan (2024-2026)

The GCTC program has recently published its first Strategic Plan (2024-2026), which describes a 3-year program of research and development and reaffirms a continuing collaboration between the federal smart cities program led by NIST and communities, cities, and regions across the country. Developed in collaboration with 28 community leaders of the GCTC program, the Strategic Plan has three key goals:

  • Establish a research-based, scientific foundation for the NIST Smart Cities Infrastructure program, the GCTC, and the broader smart cities community.
  • Broaden the scope and agenda for smart cities to address current challenges and achieve the equitable distribution of outcomes for community residents, businesses, and organizations.
  • Enhance the national public-private partnership of smart city programs, research institutions, private sector enterprises, and the next generation of community leaders, scientists, and researchers.

The GCTC is organized into twelve Technology Sectors, illustrated below, corresponding with city infrastructure, services, and programs that can benefit from the integration of advanced technologies to enable digital transformation and improve overall quality of life for community residents.

NIST.SP.1900-207.pdf GCTC Org Structure.png

NIST has received public and stakeholder comments, with a final version now available as a free download from NIST and here.