OMSI Workshop Schedule

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Revision as of 14:43, October 19, 2020 by en>Pinfold (→‎Part 1 – Technical Infrastructure Review)
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Infrastructure (Core-4 “hardware”)
  • The “Core-4” disciplines are: Thermal energy, Electrical energy, Water systems and Transportation systems
  • The Infrastructure Track has Core-4 industry experts, from both the private sector and NGOs. At the completion of the Bullitt process we will issue a Core-4 Infrastructure RFP. Integration of other systems (like food systems) will be done, with the selected Infrastructure team, during the Metro grant process and afterwards
  • Strawman version numbers refer to the fact that the Strawman will get increasingly refined from each charrette
  • The technology imperative of the need for Open APIs within the various systems will be clarified at the beginning of the Infrastructure Track, and reiterated throughout the process.
Technology (District “software”)
  • The Technology track will run ahead of Infrastructure team and interact with the Infrastructure team at key points.
  • This track will add substance to the IES-City framework developed with the National Institute of Standards.
    • Core code components will be identified and made available to the infrastructure teams.
    • Where available Open APIs will be identified and where missing will be documented for future development.
  • There will be a select group from the technology team that will work closely with the Infrastructure track meetings
  • We are identifying a group of advisors with particular expertise who while not being available to participate in a large group charrette format are willing and able to be consulted independently by members of our team between some or all of the charrettes.


Part 1 – Infrastructure Review

Nov 5th - Kickoff (w/o OMSI and peripheral stakeholders) + Charrette #1 - 8:00-11:30am PST

  • Kick-off including project overview (Strawman 1.0), workshop goals, and review of the virtual meeting methodologies to be employed
  • Core-4 experts, breakout by discipline

Nov 19th - Charrette #2  - 8:00-11:00am PST

  • Breakout in cross-disciplinary teams reviewing Strawman 2.0, discussing integrated systems potentials

Dec 3rd - Charrette #3 - 8:00-11:00am PST

  • 1st Half: Continue cross-disciplinary, integrated discussion, reviewing synthesized findings from Charrette #2 (Strawman 3.0)
  • 2nd Half: Reconvene discipline-specific groups to assess the implications of the integrated thinking on each discipline’s system

Dec 10th - OMSI + Stakeholder Update (including the Part 1 industry experts) - 8:00-10:00am PST

  • 1st Half: Presentation of in-progress workshop findings (Strawman 4.0)
  • 2nd Half: Discussion + Q&A with OMSI and Stakeholders

Part 2 – Incorporate Vendors

Note: This will be a significantly larger group, that will hopefully include the Part 1 industry experts, large infrastructure design-builders, various vendors of specific solutions and technologies, and various “in-between” advisors

Dec 17th – Vendor Overview + Feedback - 8:00-11:00am PST

  • 1st Half: Present OMSI Strawman 5.0 (or “Concept 1.0”?) and synthesized findings from Part 1 charrettes
  • 2nd Half: Vendor Q&A + feedback/suggestions for future Infrastructure RFP

Part 3 – Develop Bullitt Report

Note: there may be compelling reasons to plan for a larger, more public PR and outreach event to draw attention to OMSI and garner interest of potential development tenants – this idea will be vetted and coordinated with OMSI as the Bullitt report is being completed, and will be held at OMSI’s discretion.

Dec 18th, 2020 – Jan 31st, 2021

  • Synthesize workshops materials and findings
  • Develop concept OMSI infrastructure plan for future RFP
  • Write Bullitt report and coordinate findings with second Bullitt grant submission