Smart Wide Area Protection and Security for All from Concorde Security

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Smart Wide Area Protection and Security for All from Concorde Security
GCTC logo 344x80.png
I-Man Facility Sprinter (IFS)
Team Organizations Concorde Security/Concorde Asia
Team Leaders Benjamin Ng
Participating Municipalities Singapore
San Jose CA
London England
Status Launched
Document Download


Concorde provides Wide Area Protection for a Cluster of buildings from a mobile surveillance vehicle (called I-Man Facility Sprinter or “IFS”) manned by a 2-3 man specialist team.

  • Deploy security infrastructure comprising cameras, sensors and wireless connectivity in a mesh network architecture connected to the IFS vehicle
  • Cameras and sensors provide the real time surveillance and trigger alerts to IFS which will be able to immediately respond to the situation
  • Multiple IFS from neighboring clusters will provide the redundancy and support to any surge in demand in any particular cluster
  • Several IFS can cover a large urban center to provide the immediate real-time security coverage and immediate response to any public safety and security incident(s)


Changing traditional man-guarding faces perennial issues in attracting quality work-force due to factors such as low wage, nature of the job, and long working hours.

  • “Lone Worker” and “Lone Wolf” issues are emerging as important factors to be addressed.
  • Risk due to potential human lapses in a manpower reliant model.
  • Security guard agencies have significant challenges scaling up due to direct dependence on manpower.
  • Building owners generally lack complete “live” surveillance systems to provide adequate on-the-ground situational awareness.


  • Step 1: IFS Outsourcing Model
  • Step 2: Clustering together stakeholder
  • Step 3: Implementation

Major Requirements

  1. Currently Concorde is providing security service using this new platform on a limited basis in Singapore
  2. The project kick off provides for a city-wide shared-economy business model with security agencies on a subscription basis to the platform
  3. Train and upskill the manpower needed to launch 50 IFS to cover whole of Singapore
  4. Total coverage of Singapore possible within 12-18 months period
  5. Replicated solution in London, United Kingdom, with a live operating unit

Performance Targets

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Measurement Methods
  1. Enhanced security by increasing capability to capture more security incidences
  2. Increased customer satisfaction with decreased number of complaints on security personnel
  3. Reduction in the reliance on head-count by 70%
  1. Dash Board showing analysis of incidents that needs to be addressed in measurable quantities with addressable action and tracking of such actions
  2. Increase in letters of compliment and less number of complaints
  3. Lower cost of service

Standards, Replicability, Scalability, and Sustainability

  • Concorde is providing a unique platform as is patented globally
  • A business model that benefits all service providers rather than just Concorde resulting in scalability and sustainability
  • Using technology to provide front-line security surveillance with technology to ensure ease in replicability, scalability and sustainability

Cybersecurity and Privacy

  • Wireless communications using WPA2-AES 128 Bit encryption standard
  • Multiple IFS provide redundancy with a “killer switch” to shut down any IFS if evident of any breach in physical and cybersecurity



  • Transform the traditionally manpower centric security guard industry to high technology–based service with a more interesting job scope for the workforce.
  • Create new and attractive job opportunities with significantly higher pay
  • Better work life balance for both IFS specialists and traditional guards as new platform offers shorter working hours
  • In addition to security service, the team can perform facility maintenance services
  • Network of IFS can be the first-responder in support of the authority for public safety and security


  • Possible to showcase our IFS vehicle (dependent on space provided and cost of shipment and clearance with customs).
  • Video to display and examine (viewing only) with a scaled down model
  • Demo on set up of security infrastructure including wireless connectivity using TV White Space and other wireless technologies
  • Dash Board on analysis of incidences